Nupopedia - all the answers you need
A record number of people can now be treated fo...
Let's imagine a Denmark where we actively address rising diabetes rates with effective and proven treatments like TDR (Total Diet Replacement). It is crucial that we explore all options to...
Comparison of Semaglutide & VLCD's Effective We...
Is a weight loss program with semaglutide a powerful solution? Many opt for weight loss medication as an easy solution but are often unwilling to change habits or eat healthily....
VLCD & Medical Weight Loss: A Revolutionary App...
Are you considering starting a medical weight loss journey? Then you must ensure that you have the correct composition in your diet. As weight loss medication reduces your appetite, it...
استبدال النظام الغذائي الكامل والأدوية وممارسة ...
قامت دراسة دنماركية جديدة بتحليل 109 أفراد يعانون من السمنة المفرطة، حيث تراوح مؤشر كتلة الجسم لديهم بين 32 و43. وقد أكمل جميع المشاركين جميع مراحل الدراسة، مما وفر مجموعة...
Weight loss results with Bariatric Surgery and ...
See how the Nupo Diet can be integrated into bariatric surgery and its potential benefits for patients' nutritional needs and weight loss results. As a clinical dietitian with experience in...
Are you dreaming of a new path to better health...
Now it is possible with a TDR - the ultimate solution that transforms not only your body but also your life! Experience a groundbreaking approach to controlling type 2 diabetes...
Why do we recommend 6 Nupo Diet portions per day?
11. march 2024, by Massi Fazli A widespread fear of hunger among Danes leads to the misconception of hunger as a dangerous state. However, hunger is a natural signal of...
Combining weight loss injections with a Very Lo...
The combined benefits of a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), often known as a Formula Diet, and a prescribed medicinal weight loss treatment, create a powerful toolkit for those aiming...
How to lose weight fast
You may be wondering about how to lose weight and whether it is even possible to lose weight fast in a healthy, balanced way. Even if you have tried many...
What Does it Mean to be on a Fasting Diet?
For those of us looking to lose weight, there are plenty of methodologies out there to follow, and it’s primarily a matter of finding the one that will work best...
A Comprehensive Guide to the Pre Bariatric Surg...
Understanding the Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet When preparing for bariatric surgery, adopting a Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCD) can be a vital step in your journey towards sustainable weight loss and...
How to find the Best Foods for Weight Loss
When creating the best dietary plan for you, it is important to be mindful of the specific types of food you include. Consuming healthy calories along with regular exercise can...
EU regulation on VLCD
Why is there an EU regulation on VLCD? In short, it is to protect the consumer. We must ensure that the products we put on the market live up to...
Are Weight Loss Pills right for me in 2023?
A new year typically brings new resolutions for change in our lives, and often this involves improving our physical health. In fact, the top three most common New Year’s resolutions...
How to lose belly fat
Excess kilos can tend to settle in the middle of the body and manifest as a round, bloated belly, love handles or the so-called “muffin-top.” To get a slim silhouette...
The Keto diet
Very low-calorie diets (VLCD) can be extremely helpful for weight loss, especially if you are looking to lose weight quickly. A ketogenic diet falls under this category of diets. While...
How to lose weight fast
You may be wondering about quick weight loss and how much weight you can lose in a week. There are different ways to go about weight loss – depending on...
Diet Plan for weight loss
A weight loss diet is completely individual depending on the needs, goals, and preferences for each person. Some people enjoy a diet of whole, unprocessed foods with plenty of fresh...
Weight loss – a growing challenge
Over the past few decades, the number of people who are overweight has increased exponentially. Being overweight is a condition that is defined by a person being at a weight...
Weight loss associated with bariatric surgery
There are many benefits to having bariatric surgery. Obesity carries risks of developing several diseases and can also increase the risk of developing obesity, which is a chronic disease in...
هل 800 سعرة حرارية كافية لنوع جسدي؟
800 سعرة حرارية قليلة جدًا سواء كان وزنك قليلًا أو زائدًا جدًا. لا توجد مشكلة في تناول كمية منخفضة جدًا من السعرات الحرارية لفترة من الوقت. نظرًا لوجود كل ما...
KiOnutrime-CsG® - The proven weight management ...
Introduction Kionutrime-csg® is a natural ingredient that is scientifically proven to help people to manage their weight. In a recently completed clinical trial1 it was found that overweight subjects consuming...
Single-blind, placebo controlled randomised cli...
- by V. R. Trivedi et al. (2016) Resumé Chitosan is a dietary fibre which acts by reducing absorption and thus as a means for controlling weight. Weight loss clinical...
EFSA Claim: Yerba Mate (ID: 3924)
- by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claim: Contributes to body weight management. Contributes to lipid degradation. For a list of sources, click here...
Adverse effects of plant food supplements and b...
- by C. Di Lorenzo et al. (2014) Objective The objective of this review was to collect available data on the following: (i) adverse effects observed in humans from the...
A Review on Pharmacological and Phytochemical P...
- by Gaurav Kumar et al. (2011) Introduction Herbs and plants have been in use as a source of therapeutic compounds in traditional medicinal system since ancient time. Medicines plants...
Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a h...
- by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2014) Resumé Following an application from InQpharm Europe Ltd, submitted for authorisation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC)...
Re-evaluation of konjac gum (E 425 I) and konja...
by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2017) Resumé The present opinion deals with the re-evaluation of konjac (E 425), comprising konjac gum (E 425 i) and konjac glucomannan (E 425...
Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of hea...
by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2010) Resumé Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies was asked to provide a scientific opinion...
Why It's More Difficult to Lose Weight as We Age
Have you gotten a little older and decided to start losing weight - yet feel like it's not going as fast as it used to? Well, it might not be...
Nupo and Dinner - How To and How Much?
Lots of people choose to combine Nupo Diet and dinner with their family - the reasons for this vary. With this goal in mind, you need to be sure to...
Can Your Metabolism stop moving? How the Metabo...
You have probably heard people say things like "It's not healthy to lose weight too fast, as it'll make your metabolism stall" or "Your body will go into survival mode"...
How much weight can I lose with Nupo Diet?
How much can you expect to lose with Nupo? It is obvious that this is a primary question, when considering a diet. However, it is also one of the hardest...
Lose weight after your pregnancy
It is completely natural to gain weight when you are going through a pregnancy. On average, normal-weight women in Denmark gain about 12-15 kilos during their pregnancy. The extra kilos...
Hormones and overweight
Many people that struggle with excess weight, often have issues when it comes to achieving an efficient weight loss. This can be due to illness, or to a lack of...
الحل الكامل لنظام غذائي منخفض السعرات الحرارية ...
سريع – آمن – فعال. Nupo Diet VLCD* هو نظام غذائي مسؤول وموثق جيدًا وفعال لأولئك الذين يرغبون - أو يحتاجون - لبدء فقدان الوزن بطريقة سريعة وآمنة وفعالة. عند...
Boost your weight loss
Boost your weight loss with Slim Boost Slim Boost consists of three different dietary supplements, designed to boost or maintain a healthy weight loss. Slim Boost comes in the form...
احصل على بداية جيدة لقرار العام الجديد.
عادة ما يكون هذا الوقت من العام مليئًا بالأشخاص الذين يرغبون في بدء نمط حياة أكثر صحة وفقدان الوزن الزائد غير المرغوب فيه. للحصول على تجربة ناجحة لخسارة الوزن من...
Easy and convenient calorie control for weight ...
Nupo One Meal is not a dedicated diet, but meal replacements that you can use to replace 1-2 of your daily meals. The One Meal products are ideal for you...
Men's health (...or lack of it?)
Did you know that men are not as good at taking care of themselves as women are? If you are in a relationship with a man, this might not come...
Tips and tricks for healthy habits
Make your life easier and schedule your training and new healthy diet – try to stay ahead of your different plans, so you can maintain your new healthy habits. Schedule,...
لا تستخدم الكعك أو البسكويت أو الحلوى كمكافأة ل...
يستخدم العديد من الأشخاص الحلوى أو الكعك أو الأطعمة السكرية الأخرى كمكافآت. هل أنت واحد منهم؟ سواء عند مكافأة نفسك أو عند مكافأة أطفالك؟ ليس من الجيد أبدًا استخدام الطعام...
The 2:5 diet
We have all heard about the 5:2 diet, where you eat normally five out of seven days during the week and keep your calorie intake at a minimum for the...
Ready to hit the beach?
The summer is close, and you are probably not the only one that wishes to lose a few kilos before you are ready to conquer the beach once again. There...
Protein Drinks vs. Ready To Drink (RTD): Which ...
It's important to understand that protein drinks are not subject to the same strict standards for nutritional composition as ready-made meal replacements (RTDs).
Protein bars vs. meal replacements: Which is be...
Navigating through the supermarket aisles, filled with an abundance of choices, it can be difficult to decide between protein bars or meal replacements. Protein bars lure with promises of a...
Plant-Based Lifestyle
In a nutshell, a vegan diet is a plant-based food plan that includes vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds and excludes animal byproducts such as meats, dairy, and eggs. Strict...
Wrap your Body and Mind around Low-Calorie Meals
Most of us have likely heard the term “low-calorie meals”, but what exactly does this mean? At what threshold do we go from ‘low’ to ‘high’? This, of course, depends...
The road to a lasting weight loss
Most people, who have been through a weight loss, end up gaining a few kilos afterward – and some even gain more weight than they lost in the first place....
Festival Season
The Festival Season has already begun, and there are festivals all summer. Festivals often mean good music, fun with friends, and alcohol. It can be a challenge to attend these...
The 5:2 Diet
Why the 5:2 Diet? The 5:2 diet is a specific approach to weight loss, where you eat as usual five days a week and fast the last two days (500...
Will I regain all the kilos if I stop the Nupo ...
If you choose to go back to the same diet and the same patterns, that you were used to before the Nupo Diet – yes, you would most likely regain...
هل الشوكولاتة صحية؟
يحب معظم الناس الشوكولاتة. وتختلف الشوكولاتة عن أنواع أخرى من الأطعمة أو الحلويات، حيث تأتي الشوكولاتة بمجموعة كبيرة ومتنوعة من النكهات والقوام. تحتوي الشوكولاتة الداكنة على عدد من المكونات الصحية...
Easy and convenient calorie control for weight ...
Easy and convenient calorie control for weight maintenance Nupo One Meal is not a dedicated diet, but meal replacements that you can use to replace 1-2 of your daily meals....
Keeping up motivation
How to keep up the motivation Most people know the feeling of being motivated to start a lifestyle change. Then suddenly the motivation disappears and the project seems unmanageable. It...
Diet One Meal Pancakes - with added skyr (or no...
108 1/2 kcal Nupo One Meal + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1/2 portion One Meal Pancakes. Make 2 pancakes 50 gram or 3 tbsp skyr (or non-fat Greek yoghurt)...
Diet Couscous - with added chickpeas and caulif...
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Couscous 1 small handful chickpeas / 30 gram 1 handful cauliflower / 60 gram How to prepare:...
Diet Risotto - with chicken and vegetables
132 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Risotto 1 small handful of chicken filet / 40 gram 1 whole red bell pepper / 100...
Diet Egg Omelette - with added vegetables and t...
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Egg Omelette 5 cherry tomatoes / 1 handful / 50 gram 3 slices of non-fat top filling...
Diet Vegetable Soup - with added vegetables
117 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Vegetable Soup 1,5 red bell pepper / 150 gram / 2 handfuls 1 onion / 50 gram...
Diet Tomato Soup - with meatballs and vegetables
118 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 180 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Tomato Soup 1 handful of ready-made meatballs / 45 gram 3 large handfuls vegetables / 200 gram...
Diet Tomato Soup - with noodles and vegetables
118 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Tomato Soup 1 handful noodles / 30 gram or 1/2 brick 2 large handfuls of vegetables /...
Diet Spicy Thai Chicken Soup - with added chick...
118 kcal Nupo Diet + 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Spicy Thai Chicken Soup 70 gram coconut mik 70 gram fried chicken How to prepare: Please follow the...
Diet Spicy Thai Chicken Soup - with added leeks...
118 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Spicy Thai Chicken Soup 100 gram chicken 50 gram leeks or pointed cabbage How to repare: Please...
Diet Strawberry Shake - with added skyr (or non...
121 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Strawberry Shake 90 gram skyr (or non-fat greek yoghurt) with strawberry or other berry taste / 6...
Diet Mango Vanilla Shake - with added berries a...
120 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 60 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Mango Vanilla Shake 100 ml skimmed milk 50 gram berries - Example: Use frozen mango and/or pineapple...
Diet Risotto - with added shrimps and vegetables
132 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 60 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Risotto 1 handful shrimps / 50 gram 5 cherry tomatoes / 1 handful / 50 gram 1...
Diet Egg Omelette - with added vegetables
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Egg Omelette 1,5 red bell pepper / 150 gram / 2 large handfuls 1 small onion /...
Diet Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon - with added apples...
122 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon 100 gram applesauce How to prepare: Please follow the instructions on the sachet. Add...
Diet Couscous - with added shrimps and vegetables
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 60 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Couscous 1 small handful of shrimps / approx 60 gram 4 asparagus + 5 cherry tomatoes /...
Snack asparagus with turkey bacon
This appetizer or side dish is so easy to make, it's hard to believe how tasty it is. It is just a classic but it is also look elegant on...
Diet Egg Omelette - fluffy omelette with added ...
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 60 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Egg Omelette 2 handfuls of vegetables / 110 gram - Example: use 1 large handful of snack...
Crispbread is a favourite in the Nordic countries and is a type of flat and dry cracker. Crispbreads are a light option compare to rye bread and will keep fresh...
Kale Salad
The health benefits of kale. Kale is considered some of the most nutritious food there is. Kale contains very little fat, but a large portion of the fat there is...
Baked Pumpkin Pieces
Pumpkin is a type of winter squash that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. Scientifically, pumpkin is a fruit, because it contains seeds. However, it is nutritionally more similar to vegetables...
Spaghetti squash with meat sauce
Spaghetti squash is in itself a low-calorie food and its fiber content makes it a very full-filling meal as a substitute for real spaghetti, which is a high-calorie food. It...
Vegetable snacks with pea dip
Snacks are almost impossible to avoid. We like to snack! However, we also know that snacking is one of those irritating habits that has a way of making it difficult...
Beef skewers
Beef skewers are always such a treat. Whether you are cooking in-doors or are outside grilling, skewers just look festive and taste delicious. You can cook basically any vegetables with...
Lasagna with eggplant slices
Eggplants are rich in fiber and antioxidants and also contains other vitamins and minerals. Among the antioxidants in eggplants are anthocyanins, including nasunin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. They are also great...
Chicken Salad
Chicken Salad is a stable in most homes and a dish you can easily prepare yourself and enjoy often. The type of meat from the chicken you use will impact...
Greek Salad
Greek salad has its name, because it was a dish that originated in Greece. It is commonly served as a part of a traditional Greek meal and is one of...
Egg wrap
This egg wrap is just a great choice for when you are in the need for something easy, home cooked and healthy! How to prepare: Slice the tomato, red onion,...
Omelette with cottage cheese
Eggs can be prepared in different ways. You can boil, scramble, poach, fry - or make them into an omelet. A breakfast omelet made with some added vegetables makes for...
Skyr with nuts and berries
Skyr is rich in many different nutrients that may benefit your overall health. It could also promote the health of your bones and the health of your heart, weight loss...
Chicken Meat Balls
A great a very tasty meal to enjoy - or to serve to guests. Chicken Meat Balls are just delicious and quite easy to make! You’ll need: 500 g minced...
Raita means an Indian side dish made of yogurt, usually diced cucumber, and seasonings. A dressing or dip you can use for so many different dishes. The bonus is that...
Banana popsicles with dark chocolate
Simply desert delicious! Not to mention a fun and healthier option to serve to your guests or your family - and toppings can be to your very own liking. Enjoy!...
Egg Muffins
These Egg Muffins are not only delicious they are also the perfect protein-packed breakfast. In addition, eggs are an excellent source of protein and one of the best health benefits...
Healthy Christmas sweets
It is almost impossible to get through december without making or eating Christmas sweets. I do not advocate that you should eliminate anything such as Christmas sweets from your diet....
Low-calorie summer temptations
Meet summer with all its temptations - without compromising on your calorie intake. Quick and easy low calorie treats like milkshakes, frappé, popsicles and ice cream. Traditional Frappé vs. Nupo...
مصادر رائعة (…. وبديلة) للبروتين
البروتين هو حجر الأساس لعضلاتك، وبالتالي يجب أن يكون جزءًا مهمًا من نظامك الغذائي. نحن نستخدم البروتين لبناء عضلاتنا والحفاظ عليها، لذلك من المهم أن تقوم بإدخال ما يكفي من...
3 simple tricks to easy and healthy snacks
I love food! And especially the little healthy snack that I sometimes eat between meals. I can easily live off the three main meals during the day (breakfast, lunch, and...
ما هو الوقت المناسب لبدء نمط حياة أكثر صحة؟
تحب النساء الحديث عن الحميات الغذائية والأطعمة غير الصحية. وتكتب جميع المجلات عن الحميات الغذائية الصحية إلى حد ما، كما تعرض العديد من الصور التي توضح كيف ينبغي أن يبدو...
ما هو عدد الوجبات في اليوم المناسب؟
كم عدد الوجبات التي يجب أن تتناولها يوميًا؟ هذا سؤال جيد حقًا وهو أيضًا سؤال بدون إجابة مباشرة. إن عدد الوجبات التي يجب أن يتناولها الشخص يوميًا أمر فردي. إذا...
لماذا وجبة الإفطار مهمة؟
"الإفطار هو أهم وجبة في اليوم"، هذه مقولة نشأ عليها الكثير منا، وقيلت لنا أكثر من مرة من قبل آبائنا - وكان آباؤنا على حق بالفعل! عندما تستيقظ في الصباح،...
Healthy Halloween
Halloween is an american tradition that takes place on October 31st each year. During the last decade, the Halloween tradition has spread outside of the USA and many people in...
How do I keep my weight in December?
December is supposed to be a cozy month, where you should not be concerned with unnecessary stress. Quite a lot of people start worrying in advance, about how they are...
Summer parties and weight loss - is it possible?
We are close to the middle of the summer and a lot of people are throwing parties. Besides the midsummer, there are lots of other reasons for partying - student...
Enjoy your vacation
You are probably not the only one who has been counting down to the yearly summer vacation. It is great to be off from work for a longer period and...
Valentine's Day
Valentine’s day is an American tradition, which usually includes flowers and chocolate – valentine’s day is always on the 14th of February. I like that we have this special day,...
هل أنتم مستعدون لموسم الزفاف؟
من الجميل دائمًا أن تتم دعوتك لحضور حفل زفاف. يمكنك ارتداء فستان أو بدلة رائعة، ويمكنك التعرف على أشخاص جدد وربما أصدقاء قدامى لم يكن لديك الوقت لرؤيتهم منذ فترة....
Gastrointestinal diseases are the overlooked ep...
Welcome to Nupo's IBS Relief - your path to better gastrointestinal health. Imagine freeing yourself from the uncomfortable feeling of bloating, abdominal distension, and irregular bowel movements. These capsules provide...
With Collagen Beauty & Burn - You Can Achieve Y...
How do I get started? How do I get started? You may know the feeling of being left with bitter experience after countless attempts to lose weight, get healthier, stronger,...
Walking as an alternative exercise
If you think that exercising is difficult, because you have not done it in years, it is just a bad excuse for not getting started. You can get in decent...
What is IBS?
IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by varying gut-related complaints. The disease can manifest itself in the form of pain, bloating, altered stool consistency, and...
How should I eat?
The official dietary advice is based on evidence-based science and is meant for people that wish to eat healthily. The dietary advice is continuously updated, so they hold up to...
Maintain muscle mass
When you lose weight, it is nearly impossible not to lose a portion of your muscle mass at the same time. This means if you are eating a calorie-reduced diet...
Is it safe to exercise when you are on a Nupo D...
Yes, while using our Nupo Diet products it is safe to exercise. To achieve a more effective weight loss, it can be a good idea to combine Nupo with exercising....
ماذا أحتاج أن أتناول عندما أقوم بنشاط جسدي؟
غالبًا ما يُسألنا عن ما نحتاج إلى تناوله عند ممارسة رياضة معينة أو ممارسة التمارين الرياضية بطريقة معينة. كثير من الناس، وخاصة الشباب، حريصون جدًا على الحصول على كمية كافية...
The fall season is the time for indoor activiti...
When the days are getting shorter, the temperature is declining, and the weather is getting more unstable, we tend to spend less time outdoors and thus be less active. The...
حدد هدفك وخطط للطريق
إذا كنت تمارس رياضة تنافسية، فهناك بعض القواعد والتكتيكات الثابتة للوصول إلى الهدف. بغض النظر عما تفعله، فهناك دائمًا طريق إلى الهدف. إذا لم يكن لديك هدف أو لم تعرف...
Tour de France: A chance to get out on your own...
When you live in a bike-friendly region, summer is synonymous with cycling and enjoying events like the Tour de France on television. For many years, I had little interest in...