تم التحقق بواسطة ماريان بولسن.

معتمد مستشارة التغذية

Halloween Treats in a glass jar
Nutritional Recipes

Healthy Halloween

Halloween is an american tradition that takes place on October 31st each year. During the last decade, the Halloween tradition has spread outside of the USA and many people in different countries have taken up the tradition where pumpkin lanterns are being carved and people dress up in scary outfits and go “trick or treat” at night time on the 31st.

More and more neighborhoods make a big deal out of making their neighborhood scary to visit this day. Some smaller towns are having huge Halloween parties and have a Halloween committee that spends a lot of their own time planning activities and how to dress their town to make it extra scary.
Outside of Copenhagen, there is a very small town called Måløv. The town has a huge Halloween party each year. It cost a small fee to participate in the activities. In 2017 the town decided to support the Unicef project “education for all” by donating a dollar for every sold ticket.
If you are doing Halloween activities with your kids, you can surprise them with some extra scary homemade Halloween treats.
For example, you can make:
  1. Cookies formed as fingers with almonds as fingernails
  2. Small meringues ghosts in different pale colors with eyes made of melted chocolate
  3. Plastic gloves filled with popcorn
  4. Small bags with almonds or other nuts roasted in cocoa or chili
  5. Small oranges with a small green stick of celery on the top to make it look like small pumpkins
  6. Spiders made out of oat balls with string candy as legs and small marshmallows and melted chocolate as eyes
  7. The really fast adult Halloween snack is to take a Nupo one meal bar and cut it into small pieces
Remember to wrap the small snacks in paper or to put them in small bags or in small paper cones. You can use ordinary sandwich paper or wraps for candy.
If you want to tease your kids, you can dip brussel sprouts or other vegetables in chocolate. It is easy and fast, and most kids don’t exactly love brussel sprouts. Of course, it might backfire, if you serve it to your kid’s friends, as they might not come back next year for “trick or treat” for Halloween.
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